Perspective through Worship

God is unquestionably worthy of our worship, but our worship is not worthy of Him.

I had a remarkable evening full of astounding realizations and growth, so I thought I’d tell you all about it.
This evening I attended an event called “Bread We Break;” a worship night held in Winnipeg every few months, of the which I strongly suggest attending. Not only was the Holy Spirit very present, but He undoubtedly moved. Tonight I was filled with peace and reminded of the joy that comes with merely worshipping our Creator.
I sometimes let myself forget just how important worship is and just how much I was created to glorify my Father, thus missing out on the privilege that it is to show my gratitude for all that He’s done in my life and to get to rest in His presence. The Holy Spirit showed me today just how cared for I am and how needless it is for me to worry about my future. Two specific things in my life became so real for me tonight; things that only God could’ve orchestrated and blessed me with, and these are they.

First of all, where I am.
Going back to sometime earlier last year, you would find me, a couple of my friends, and our plans for the future. At the time, two of my friends and myself were planning on moving to the big city (Winnipeg). For the record, we all come from a small town so, compared to that, Winnipeg’s pretty big. Anyways, at the time, I knew in my heart that for one, the idea was so exciting and I knew it could be lots of fun. But, I also felt God calling me to something else. I had no idea what that “something else” was, but I knew deep down that I wasn’t supposed to move with my friends. Finally, in a step of difficulty and faith, I cancelled my original plan of moving, and attempted to surrender my future to God.
To make a long story short, I ended up at the Church of the Rock (in the city nonetheless) doing the MP3 program. Not only has this program helped me grow in my relationship with God and stretched me in so many ways, but through coming, I now have amazing opportunities for my future and I owe it all to God. Not only that, but all of my dearest friends are close. Four of the five of them actually live in the city, which is kind of crazy since it was not too long ago that you could’ve found us all in that small town. This leads me to my second point.

My friends.
Of my friends in my group of six; we all met in high school, and are still friends today. This is a blessing in itself, but I’ve also had the privilege of seeing God work in the lives of these people who are so close to my heart. At the event this evening, I was with two of said friends, and I could see one in my peripherals as we were worshipping. During one of the songs, I started to cry with joy. Seeing my friends worship God and fall in love with Him makes me SO happy and God has blessed me so richly. After the service, we were all in the car and one of my friends suggested praying. So, we did, and the fact that I have these people who love God and who love me is something I don’t deserve (Thank you friends for putting up with me.), but am so grateful to God for.

My life was put back into perspective tonight, and I want very much for you to know the peace and joy of God if you don’t. I have a feeling that I’ve only glimpsed them. I encourage you to not put off worship, to not care what people think when you praise your God, and to seek God and desire to fall more in love with Him. I know I’m still working on this in my everyday life. It’s a struggle, it really is. The enemy knows our weaknesses and he works around me, but God is inside me. God also gives us a sword for the battle; His word. (mentioned in Ephesians 6:17)

Maybe, you don’t feel like God has worked in your life or that you’re having a hard time seeing the blessing. Let me remind you of something that God reminded me of through one of the people on the stage tonight. It is a miracle that God came for us broken people. If nothing else happened in our lives, it is simply over and beyond what we deserve that God offers us this ultimate gift of eternal life; that the God of the universe would bring Himself to die in such an ugly world for our sakes. I pray now that Holy Spirit, you would bring that to our remembrance in every moment.

I would like to leave you with scripture, with a sword.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
Romans 12:2

4 responses to “Perspective through Worship”

  1. This is beautiful! I love worship! It’s even more beautiful when we worship with others! I love Bread We Break ❤️❤️ and I go to Church of the Rock🤗

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